2,894Grants to


Northern Tiger cat (Leopardus tigrinus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 230531413

Mitigation of threats and adaptation to climate change for Tiger Cat conservation in the seasonally dry forest of northeast Peru

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 230531413) - Northern Tiger cat - Awarded $4,900 on May 18, 2023

The particular ecosystem of the Milpuj Conservation Area stands out for being a seasonally dry forest, without natural water sources and dependent on increasingly shorter rainy seasons. This factor is shown to be a determining factor for mammals to move from the mountain ranges, within the Conservation Area, towards the rivers, for which they have to face anthropogenic threats. This project presents a viable, economic and effective proposal to mitigate the threats faced by fauna and especially small wild cats, among which the Leopardus Tigrinus Pardinoides, the Leopardus Garleppi and the Puma Yagouaronundi recently registered (October 2023) using of four drinkers strategically located in the biological corridors of the area, supplied with stored water captured from the rains and administered to the drinkers automatically. Each of these drinkers is accompanied by a camera trap whose records will allow us to collect more information on the behavior of the feline.

The operation of a reservoir of 90 thousand liters of water doubled the initial proposal in the project in order to guarantee the technical irrigation of the native species planted in the dry season, species supplied from the on-site nursery and that will contribute to strengthening the trophic chain of the L. Tigrinus considered Vulnerable (VU). At the time of the project's closure, the first 200 native seedlings of a total of 500 have been planted, among which the Tecoma Stans, Senna Birostris, Ochroma Pyramidale, Caesalpinia Spinosa, Juglans Neotropica, Sambucus Nigra, Annona Cherimola and Cedrela Kuelapensis, species that serve as shelter and food for small mammals and birds. These species have been selected based on evaluations over the last ten years and will be planted in permanent annual programs.

Due to labor shortages, the rainwater harvesting system had to be improvised, maintaining the commitment to have it completed by July 2024, which will be reported in an additional report. The encouraging results of the automated drinking fountains have been highlighted in two reports published by Mogabay and validated by a comparative study() in a 65 km stretch carried out in agreement with the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza University in the city of Chachapoyas, making their effectiveness evident. mitigating threats within its area of ​​influence. In parallel, work has been done to raise environmental awareness through wildlife crossing signage on roads and the placement of preventive and reflective stickers against wildlife collisions on public and private vehicles that circulate on the route. 





Project 230531413 location - Peru, South America