Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0905407

White Oak Conservation Center supports the conservation of flagship species through partnerships that safeguard habitat, protect wildlife, and engage local communities.
Build upon the appeal of charismatic flagship species such as cheetahs, rhinos, and okapi, to galvanize support for the conservation of at-risk species and their habitats. Work with partners that emphasize the protection and management of biologically significant places so that wildlife populations can recover and prosper. Encourage communities to practice environmental stewardship and wise use of natural resources through conservation education and technical assistance, for the beneficial coexistence of humans and wildlife. Create training and educational opportunities for conservationists to build expertise and prepare them to actively participate with global conservation efforts.
The Okapi Conservation Project is operated by White Oak Conservation Center and is based in the Ituri Forest of Democratic Republic of Congo. Established in 1987 in partnership with the Institute in Congo for the Conservation of Nature (ICCN) the Okapi Conservation Project helps operate the Okapi Wildlife Reserve ((13,760 km2) a UNESCO World Heritage site. Through program areas of wildlife protection, conservation education and agroforestry the Project supports the Congolese people and their capacity as stewards of the forest and wildlife of the region.
Project 0905407 location - Congo, Democratic Republic of (Congo-Kinshasa), Africa