2,980Grants to


Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 160514361

Analysing the home ranging behaviour of reintroduced Orang-utans in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 160514361) - Orangutan - Awarded $4,400 on February 16, 2017

This project firstly aims to analyse the home ranging behaviour of reintroduced orangutans.

This will be achieved by investigating whether they explore the wider area before choosing a home range, settle around the release site, or wander without establishing a fixed home range. I will also analyse the influence of vegetation structure, including the presence of fruiting trees on range use and foraging efficiency. This will help gain an understanding on how ranging behaviour aids adapting to a fully wild environment, from previously being in rehabilitation sanctuaries. Analyses on how ranges change over time will also be an important aspect in understanding how individuals adapt. I will also analyse the determinants of how and why ranges overlap.

Secondly, this study will produce a comparative study on the home range behaviour of reintroduced and fully wild orangutans.

Analysing the implications of differences in range behaviour between reintroduced and fully wild orangutans will help assess what skills are most important to learn throughout the rehabilitation process. This study will also determine whether reintroduced orangutans begin to behave like a fully wild individual, such as remaining in the canopy rather than the forest floor, and exercising fear of humans, in order to assess the long-term success of reintroduction programmes.

Project 160514361 location - Indonesia, Asia