2,980Grants to


Pallas's cat (Otocolobus manul)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 142510049

Pallas's Cat conservation status in the Zaissan Lake area - Covering Blanks

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 142510049) - Pallas's cat - Awarded $5,400 on January 20, 2015

Present project is proposed to be in the frames of the Pallas's Cat Study and Conservation Program (www.savemanul.org) of NGO "Siberian Environmental Center". The program was started in 2004 in order to support and develop initiatives dedicated to the study of Pallas's cat, collecting data pertaining to its true conservation status and assistance in conservation of this species. The regions the program was working to date are South Siberia (Russian part of the species global range), Kazakhstan, and partly Mongolia and Uzbekistan.

Project's objectives: 


  • Obtain new data on species presence using camera trap and interview methods
  • Investigate new areas in the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (Kazakhstanian part)
  • Organize educational campaign among local people to say about Pallas's cat and the necessity of its conservation
  • Make local conservation bodies (particularly the East Kazakhstan Province' Department of natural resources and wildlife management) more committed to conservation of Pallas's cat and other threatened steppe species
  • Involve new investigators (especially youth) to Pallas's cat study and conservation work
  • Unite efforts of different research teams in obtaining and storing data on manul distribution, particularly establish the online data base for joint data storage and analysis
  • Increase the significance of Pallas's cat as key steppe species in local conservation activity, particularly develop recommendations on Pallas's cat and its habitats conservation for corresponding governmental bodies of Kazakhstan.


Project document