2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 12255314

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 12255314) - Pangani tilapia - Awarded $12,500 on February 07, 2013

To promote and enhance restoration of degraded habitat through comprehensive program of species habitat mapping in areas of ecological importance and mobilize indigenous led conservation areas

• Mapping of species ecologically important areas such as fish breeding and nursery grounds by involving indigenous people
• To mobilize riparian communities to protect sensitive areas of habitat, especially breeding, feeding and resting sites and fragile ecosystems.
• Mobilize formation of local conservation areas. These conservation areas will help to reduce habitat degradation and modification in the breeding and nursery grounds/habits. Ultimately, fish yield and house hold income will increase.
• To mobilize local communities to allow natural vegetation to regenerate around and form a buffer zone of at least 100m from the shoreline of Nyumba ya Mungu Dam.

To raise the level of awareness and promote full participation of the community in the conservation of Pangani tilapia and its habitat through awareness training to primary school children, secondary school students, school teachers, and residents(mostly parents

• Capacity building through formation of School Environmental Clubs in areas around project area. Eco-Clubs will help to carry out various project activities such as clean up campaign and awareness campaign in the locality. Awareness campaign to students will raise awareness to primary children and CSEE students on the importance of environmental conservation hence making a long lasting capacity building.
• Training workshop to parents will be conducted so as to increase the appreciation of the relationship with, and dependency on, the natural and cultural resources, to bring changes in attitude and behaviour.

To promote and mobilize an advance alternative income generating activities to the people (i.e. both men and woman) living around Nyumba ya Mungu Dam and beyond

• To mobilize involvement of men and woman in alternative livelihood generating activities
• To train local people on how to design and establish alternative livelihood activities, value addition and marketing of bee products.
• Training workshop on bee keeping. This will involve training on construction of beehives, site selection, best practices in honey harvesting, value addition to bee products and marketing. Having another income generating activity will reduce the number of people depending on fisheries thus reducing pressure and habitat degradation.


Organization Mission: To promote development through training, research, extension, provision of services to the public and private sector in an environmentally friendly manner Organization Objective: A centre of excellence and a valued member of the global academic community in Agriculture and other related fields, with emphasis on implementing practical skills, entrepreneurship, research and integration of basic and applied knowledge in environmentally friendly manner Sokoine University of Agriculture was established in 1984 Geographical area: The project will be conducted within the catchment of Nyumba ya Mungu dam (NMD). NMD is a reservoir which is located in the Pangani River Basin at 3041ï‚¢S/37027ï‚¢E. The project area which is of interest for this study lies between Kilimanjaro and Manyara Regions in Northern Tanzania with a total surface area of about 140 km2. This reservoir otherwise known as Lake Pangani is used for the generation of electricity and for irrigation, and support a fishery industry within the Northern regions of Tanzania. It is estimated to be 25 km long and 15 km wide with a maximum recorded depth of 41 m. The NMD is fed by the two main rivers; Kikuletwa River which rises on Mt. Meru/and Mt. Kilimanjaro and Ruvu River which originates at Lake Jipe. The main effluent of NMD is the Pangani River. Fish species ihabiting the reservoir include Jipe tilapia Oreochromis jipe, Pangani tilapia Oreochromis pangani, Catfish Clarius gariepinus and introduced Oreochromis esculentus. Target species: The target species is Pangani tilapia which is endemic to the Pangani River Basin. They have an estimated area of occurrence of less than 100 km2 including the Pangani River (Bwathondi and Ngatunga, 2001). Before construction of NMD in 1967, Pangani tilapia was reported to inhabit an estimated area of less than 100 km2 downstream (i.e. Ruvu River) Lake Jipe. However following construction of NMD in 1960-1965 this species managed to colonize the dam through Ruvu River. Pangani tilapia is known for its support in commercial fishery from 1969 to 1971 (Bailey et al., 1999) however, its population declined to low levels due to pest infestation as reported by Horril (2000). Furthermore, studies by Denny and Bailey (1976) showed that the species contributed about 32.2% of the total catch in 1974 while Bailey et al. (1999) did not manage to catch any individual in their survey despite of the fact that it was still observed in the local markets. The catch and abundance of this species has declined tremendously making a contribution of less than 5% of the total catch landed (MNRT, 2004). Fishery activities in NMD support the livelihood of more than 40,000 thousand people. A tremendously decline in the fishery of these two species in recent years has led to various social-economic problems within and beyond the riparian communities.

Project 12255314 location - Tanzania, Africa