Pepper-bark tree (Warburgia salutaris)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0925806

Through this project, it was discovered that the Pepper-bark tree is more threatened than previously classified on the national Plant Red Data List (Vulnerable) because results revealed the Area of Occupancy was 216.09 Km² and only 3 new matured individual (specimen with fruits) was registered during the second semester of 2011 (totalising 10 matured individuals). The Area of Occupancy recorded in this work classifies the targeted species under IUCN Criteria Endangered (EN) and the number of matured species ranks the species under IUCN Criteria Critical Endangered (CR). The Pepper-bark tree presented a very few matured individuals and occupies a very small area. Therefore, according to this work, the targeted species in Mozambique is Critically Endangered. Out of 5602 individuals of the Pepper-bark tree, 4679 (83.5%) are intact while 883 (15.8%) have suffered from human intervention. Among these, the most common human interference was debarking of 748 (13.4%) individuals follow by the combination of debarking and stem cutting 92 (1.6%) and stem cutting 43 (0.8%). The exploitation of the Pepper-bark tree varies spatially, Kassemate with 372 (6.6%) individuals being the place with most debarked specimens, followed by Monucua 259 (4.6%), Impaputo 19 (0.3%), Manhuhane 76 (1.4%), Djabula 9 (0.2%) and Goba 11 (0.2%) while debarking of the targeted species does no longer exists at Manhoca (Massale) and Porto Henrique (0%). Thus the communities with large numbers of individuals the targeted species (Kassemate and Monucua) apparently exploit the resource relatively more than those with less. Uncontrolled/accidental fires have been registered during the second semester of 2011 in the Manhuhane and Kassemate communities. However, no individuals of the targeted species were affected. Presentation of the research findings of this project at the International Conference of Ethnobotany in Maputo, Mozambique (23-25 November 2011), called a special attention of the participants on the importance of multisectoral collaboration to deal with the conservation of the species in this project and other threatened species.
The University of Eduardo Mondlane additionally to academic focus, is engaged in research activities that promotes development and sustainable uses of country’s resources, that includes plant species. The University Botanic Garden which is under the Department of Biological Sciences in particular, under the Botanic Section, has the mission of promoting and conserving Mozambique’s native plants. The objective of the University Botanic Garden is to present species diversity of different habitats and plant communities of Mozambique; to show different uses of the plant species per group of use; to promote environmental education and practises of sustainable uses of plant resources and the multiplication and propagation of endangered Species; to support investigation at all levels; to promote association/networks for the defence of plant species and provide a recreational area and for socio-cultural events. The University Botanic Garden was founded in 1976, with approximately 5 ha comprises of about 200 species (96% of which are native of Mozambique) that belongs to 70 families. It focuses on overused, rare, endemic and other species that requires special attention in regards to their conservation status such as those that are threatened to extinction that includes species in this project.
Project 0925806 location - Mozambique, Africa