2,980Grants to


Pinanga leonardcoi (Pinanga leonardcoi)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 242536551

Population survey and ex-situ conservation of the critically endangered Pinanga leonardcoi in northern Luzon, Philippines

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 242536551) - Pinanga leonardcoi - Awarded $6,500 on January 21, 2025

The remaining forests of northern Luzon are known to support floras with high levels of endemicity but largely remains understudied in the Philippines. Notably, the project sites, Mt. Cagua (1,152 masl) in northern Sierra Madre Mtns. and Calanasan, Apayao in Cordillera Mtns. have significant cover of intact lowland to lower montane old growth forests. These areas are principally valued for their vertebrate faunal diversity, including the symbolic Philippine eagle. In contrast, the flora of these forested sites remains largely undocumented or only known from photographs. Pinanga leonardcoi is a recently described species which is unique in its clustered stems with stoloniferous offshoots, 2-3 rachillae with spirally arranged fruits, and fruiting perianth with imbricate calyx lobes. This palm is categorized as Critically Endangered due to its rarity in the wild - with only eight mature individuals and is thought to be only confined within the caldera of Mt. Cagua – which could be instantly wiped out in case of a major eruption. Surprisingly, photographic records show that it might also exist on another mountain range to the west, the Cordillera Mtns., specifically in the lowland forests of Calanasan, Apayao.

Generally, this project aims to conduct population survey and baseline information (natural history studies and ecology) of the critically endangered Pinanga leonardcoi and initiate an ex-situ conservation strategy. Specifically, it aims to: 1) survey its current population, distribution, ecology and natural history in the type locality (Mt. Cagua) and similar habitats (Apayao Lowland forests) using modified belt transects and remote sensing; 2) create CEPA materials such as posters or digital materials for distribution to LGUs, state universities and concerned agencies; and 3) collect germplasm for ex-situ conservation.

Project 242536551 location - Philippines, Asia