2,979Grants to


sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 192520876

Development of effective protection actions for three endangered shark species at fine regional scale

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192520876) - sandbar shark - Awarded $7,700 on May 18, 2019

The main objectives of this project are: 1) Quantification of bycatch of juveniles and newborn in coastal areas identified as potential nurseries in the North-Western Adriatic Sea. Fishery observer will carry out such activities on board of fishing vessels, using gillnets and longline gears, collecting information on species, sex and size. In addition, a fin clip sample of 1 cm2 will be collected for future population genetic analyses to study connectivity; 2) evaluation of movements by tagging alive animal with plastic dart tags (Hallprint, Hindmarsh, Australia), storing release coordinates in the Tshark.org database; 3) development of specific protection actions by engaging local fishers. During on-board activity, observers will train fishers how to handle and release alive sharks and raise awareness about their fundamental role in the conservation of these species. This action will be facilitated by the low commercial value of the juveniles of the study species so trained fishers will be encouraged to continue this conservation action after the completion of this project. There will be full media coverage on project results and the fisher engagement; 4) raise public awareness on shark conservation using these species as flag species; 5) training of NGO operators and students

Project 192520876 location - Italy, Europe