Santa Cruz Ground Dove (Alopecoenas sanctaecrucis)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 212526886
Saving Vanuatu’s Endangered Ground Dove from Extinction through Indigenous Conservation Action

The Santo Sunset Environment Network is supporting the Jarai alo Kolo indigenous people of the Santo Mountain Chain Key Biodiversity Hotspot in the Republic of Vanuatu to undertake urgent forest protection and conservation actions to prevent the critical population decline of the Endangered Santa Cruz Ground Dove (Alopecoenas sanctaecrucis).
Lobbying decision-makers to halt proposed logging andmining operations, and transforming traditional wild bird hunters into conservation champions, SSEN is working with chiefs and traditional authorities to expand conservation initiatives, as well as undertake alternative livelihood projects to replace the protein sourced from wild birds.
This project works cooperatively with a range of partners to focus on win-win solutions to protect the rainforest, and our indigenous culture.
Santo Sunset Environment Network,, is an indigenous led network of community environmental champions working together for the protection of biodiversity, sustainable development, customary governance, gender justice, and climate change resilience in Western Santo Vanuatu.
Project 212526886 location - Vanuatu, Oceania