2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0905509

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905509) - Scalloped Hammerhead Shark - Awarded $5,000 on October 27, 2009

Conservation of scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) in a nursery area in Tárcoles, Gulf of Nicoya


Project goals:

Inform the community about the biology of sharks, their role in ecosystems and their threats.

Inform the community about the biological importance of the nursery areas for sharks sustainability.

Elaborate some effective management actions with fishermen for the protection of the hammerhead sharks in the nursery area located in the mouth of Tárcoles River.


Project activities:

Students activities: We will carry out 6 educational activities to the Tárcoles community`s students and children: In order to accomplish this objective, we will elaborate informative posters, which will illustrate the basic aspects of the biology of hammerhead sharks and theirs vulnerability. In addition emphasis will be done to the importance of nursery areas  for the sustainability of scalloped hammerhead sharks and how to help to protect this species. Finally, we will distribute brochures and stickers with information about nursery areas in the participants.

Fishermen activities: As a first step, we will expose the project to fishery cooperatives, in this activity we will explain the need and the importance to protect the hammerhead shark nursery area located in Tárcoles. Then, we will carry out meetings and workshops with fishermen: the first to propose potential management actions (such as individuals' liberation and temporary closures) and the other to elaborate a formal agreement with fishermen.



Project 0905509 location - Costa Rica, North America