Southern-central black rhino (Diceros bicornis minor)
Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 0925793

Save the Rhino International (SRI), registered as a UK charity on 28 February 1994, submitted this proposal on behalf of on behalf of the North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) in Zambia.
The North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) is a Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) programme and a Zambian NGO established in 1986 to add capacity to, and to work in partnership with, the Zambian Wildlife Authority (ZAWA). NLCP supports the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) in all aspects of the conservation and management of the wildlife of the North Luangwa National Park (NLNP) and surrounding Game Management Areas (GMAs). The total area under the management and technical support of NLCP, in partnership with ZAWA, is ± 17,500 km².
This support includes: the supply of field equipment and rations to wildlife police officers for use on field patrols; provision of vehicles, fuel and vehicle maintenance; the payment of incentives to wildlife police officers for the successful apprehension of wildlife offenders; administration and IT support; and practically every aspect of the operations of successful protected area management. NLCP is also involved in infrastructure development and maintenance, including an extensive radio communications system, roads in and around the Park and the building of houses and offices in outposts bordering the Park.
NLNP was selected as a site for the rhino reintroduction programme following years of successful law enforcement efforts managed by NLCP. The rhinos were donated from South Africa, as part of a long-term, three-way partnership between the Governments of Zambia, South Africa and Namibia. In 2003, five rhino were released into an enclosed electrified sanctuary. The sanctuary infrastructure was increased to enclosed an additional 150kms² to accept a further 10 animals in 2006. In 2008, five more animals were translocated to NLNP, and then a final five animals were translocated into the sanctuary in 2010.
Births and natural mortalities have occurred; to date there have been no poaching mortalities since the launch of the reintroductions. Actual numbers of all rhino populations are now kept confidential due to the poaching crisis now affecting East and Southern Africa.
A dedicated rhino protection team carries out daily monitoring and protection activities. This proposal specifically requested funding for the purchase of one rhino monitoring field vehicle (4x4 diesel pick up) that will deploy rhino patrol units in NLNP to improve monitoring and security of the expanding rhino populations.
Project 0925793 location - Zambia, Africa