2,980Grants to


Southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 222529581

A model conservation actions project for Leopardus guttulus in the species’ microcosm landscape mosaic of Atlantic forest fragments /agriculture/urbanized areas

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 222529581) - Southern tiger cat - Awarded $5,500 on October 17, 2022

The main objective of this Project is to reduce the transmission of diseases transmitted by domestic carnivores (dogs and cats) to protect the last species of small wild cat from the northeast coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Through a permanent program of vaccination, castration, medication and veterinary medical care, we hope to benefit countless residents of the regions near the Itapeva State Park, the main habitat of the species, and other Forest fragments among the corridors of Itapeva.


Since 2014, the different environments of the Park are monitored with the help of câmera traps. This work, carried out by the government team, allows us to monitor the behavior of the species and the biological invasion of dogs and cats. These data support scientific research and help us plan mitigation actions in the community.


In 2023, we vaccinated ths first 100 domestic dogs through our campaigns and included more than 50 owners in our care network. This work was only possible with the support of the Pro-Carnivore Institute, the Small Wild Cats Conservation Foundation (SWCCF), the Tiger Cats Conservation Initiative (TCCI) and the Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MbZSCF).


In the coming months, we expect to complete our work with other mitigation campaigns; install new câmera traps in previously unmonitored regions; visit other properties of the ecological corridor and further consolidate our species protection program.

Project documents