2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 172515650

Helping the Tahiti sandalwood tree (Santalum insulare) to save the Tahiti Monarch (Pomarea nigra)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172515650) - Tahiti Monarch - Awarded $5,587 on November 08, 2017

The project aims to sustainably restore the Tahiti Monarchs habitat with the help of local people through the culture of the rare Tahitian sandalwood tree. The steps are:

1-Target a rat-free area at the Santalum fruit fall zone (at the governmental Botanical Reserve) ; 2- Constitute a seed bank of this rare plant ; 3- Grow Santalum insulare at the valleys’ nurseries for the local owners (the tree is a parasitic plant requiring other plant species as host allowing a biodiverse forestation) ; 4- Keep a 0 pig & goat and controlled rat habitat for the Monarchs and the sandalwood trees (long-term involvement from local people).

Project document