2,980Grants to


Turks Island Boa (Epicrates chrysogaster)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 1005500

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 1005500) - Turks Island Boa - Awarded $5,000 on August 11, 2010

Please look for the following articles regarding this project, or email me for a PDF.

Reynolds, R.G. and G.P. Gerber. In Press. Ecology and conservation of the endemic Turks Island Boa (Epicrates c. chrysogaster: Serpentes: Boidae) on Big Ambergris Cay. Journal of Herpetology.


Reynolds, R.G. Epicrates chrysogaster. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 898.1.


Reynolds, R.G., G.P. Gerber, and B.M. Fitzpatrick. In Press. Unexpected shallow genetic divergence in Turks Island Boas (Epicrates c. chrysogaster) reveals single evolutionary significant unit for conservation. Herpetologica.


Reynolds, R.G. 2011. Status, conservation, and introduction of amphibians and reptiles in the Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies, p. 377-406. In: A. Hailey, B.S. Wilson, and J.A. Horrocks (eds.). Conservation of Caribbean Island Herpetofaunas, vol. II: Regional Accounts of the West Indies. Brill, Netherlands.


Franz, R.A., S.D. Buckner, and R.G. Reynolds. In Review. Bahama Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands. In: R. Powell and R.W. Henderson (Eds.). Island Lists of West Indian Amphibians and Reptiles. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History.




Project 1005500 location - Turks and Caicos Islands, North America