2,979Grants to


William’s bright-eyed tree frog (Boophis williamsi)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 200524824

Assessing the role of landscape change on Boophis williamsi population’s viability in Ankaratra Massif

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 200524824) - William’s bright-eyed tree frog - Awarded $4,600 on January 01, 2021

This study aims to address and update the existing knowledge gap and provides a much-needed overview of the B. williamsi demography, distribution and the species’ ecological requirements. The following aspects will be addressed: (1) a robust population estimate based on visual encounter and auditory surveys; (2) an assessment of habitat change that will be correlated with previous and new species monitoring output; (3) the development of a species-specific conservation action plan; (4) determine a set of implementable measures that will reduce local anthropogenic impacts and provide long term benefits to the B. williamsi population. Combined, these elements will help to form the basis of a conservation strategy. To reach these aims and to maximize data collection, a standard methodology for amphibian surveying will be undertaken: including both systematic elements alongside opportunistic observation. The data will be treating and analyzing for getting information about the dynamics of the population, the interaction of B. williamsi with its habitat and the amphibian community of the area, the dependence of B. williamsi and landscape change. It will help to model and predict the future of the species.

Project documents