2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 192519761

Securing the Future of Barber's Cape Flats Ranger and the False Bay Unique Ranger - A Butterfly Conservation Project.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192519761) - Barber's Cape Flats Ranger	 - Awarded $10,298 on May 21, 2019

The project's long term aims are to secure the future of the Critically Endangered Kedestes barberae bunta and Kedestes lenis lenis, whilst improving and protecting the remaining habitat in a holistic approach which benefits not only the butterflies but the system as a whole. This will be achieved through in-situ conservation measures such as habitat restoration and protection.

Research will also be carried out to establish abundance trends, ex-situ measures include the establishment of a captive rearing programme which has been deemed a necessity in order to secure the future of the species.

Project documents