2,980Grants to


Du Toit's Torrent Frog (Arthroleptides dutoiti)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 192520870

Distribution and Population Status of Petropedetes dutoiti - Du Toit's Torrent Frog, Critically Endangered C2a(ii) in Mt. Elgon, Uganda

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192520870) - Du Toit's Torrent Frog - Awarded $9,000 on August 10, 2019

The species has not been recorded despite extensive targeted surveys. A single specimen was recorded in 1934 during the rainy season by Loveridge (1935) and last recorded in 1962 along the Suam River. Between 2001-2006 five attempts to locate the species at the type locality along the Koitobos River (in wet and dry seasons) were unsuccessful (P.K. Malonza and V. Wasonga pers. comm. June 2012).

There are no current photos for this species. The ones used are images from the University of Havard. 

This project will contribute to providing updated information on the distribution, population status and preferred habitats of Arthroleptides dutoiti in Mt Elgon National Park. Specific objectives include (a) identify and map critical habitats vital for the survival of Arthroleptides dutoiti, (b) assess and document threats to Arthroleptides dutoiti and its habitats and (c) determine the population size and abundance of Arthroleptides dutoiti. Objective (a) will be achieved through surveys in streams and rivers on Uganda side of Mt Elgon National Park by researchers together with locals. Objective (b) will be achieved through physical observations and interviewing local people to document activities posing threats to Arthroleptides dutoiti and its habitats, and objective (c) shall be achieved through conducting systematic surveys to collect primary data for estimation of the population size and abundance of Arthroleptides dutoiti in Uganda side of Mt Elgon National Park. Records of physical sightings of each individual, and indicators like eggs will be noted by researchers.



Project document