2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 192522779

Supporting community conservation through promoting coexistence, capacity building, and strengthening livelihoods in the Western Kalahari of Botswana

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 192522779) - Cheetah - Awarded $11,546 on January 23, 2020

1. To provide support and training to farmers in the focal area communities in effective methods of range, livestock and conflict management to minimize livestock losses, improve productivity and strengthen livelihoods 2. To build capacity within community management trusts to effectively manage their natural resources and develop conservation compatible livelihoods such as cultural and ecotourism, traditional crafts and sustainable harvesting of veld products 3. Investigate potential alternative livelihood strategies to increase the value of natural resources for communities and encourage human wildlife coexistence

Project documents