2,979Grants to


Almanegra de Ventanas (Magnolia polyhypsophylla)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 202525650

In-situ conservation of three threatened and endemic Magnolia species through conservation actions in natural reserves in the Colombian Andes

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 202525650) - Almanegra de Ventanas - Awarded $19,000 on April 19, 2021

To do in-situ conservation of the target species and their habitat through the establishment and operation of private natural reserves that preserve some of the biggest patches of habitat with natural populations of the species.

Scout the area inside the natural reserves and surrounding habitat looking for new magnolia trees.

Build and maintain an updated, complete and accurate characterizations of the individuals of Magnolia trees existing in Alto de Ventanas with ecological, health and phenological data.

Generate a better understanding of the ecology and population health of the targeted tree species through periodical monitoring of individual trees for the collection and analysis of information.

Improve survival probabilities of the targeted species through an in-situ propagation and reinforcement program involving local community members for tree monitoring, seed collection and tree nursery operation.

Develop a germination and reinforcement protocol that improves germination ratio and survival rate of seed produced trees.

Create awareness and interest in the local communities and have them actively participating in the conservation of the target species, through workshops and educational campaigns.

Seek for partnerships and agreements with organizations interested in the research and conservation of Magnolia trees.

Project 202525650 location - Colombia, South America