2,980Grants to


Southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 222528745

Vaccination and population control of domestic dogs for the conservation of Leopardus guttulus in Caparaó National Park, Brazil.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 222528745) - Southern tiger cat - Awarded $6,280 on May 26, 2022

The goal of this project is to mitigate the invisible threat of disease transmission from domestic dogs into wild carnivores through the implementation of vaccination, vermifugation, and population control campaigns to reduce the presence of domestic dogs inside the national park limits and other regional protected areas. Recent studies on tiger cats have pointed out the much wider extent of dogs ranging in protected areas and the high threat they pose as sources of serious diseases (de Oliveira et al., 2020). The same scenario reported for Mirador State Park (de Oliveira et al., 2020) is being observed at Caparaó National Park. Along with these activities, this project aims to evaluate the extension of the area used by domestic dogs, since camera trap images have shown that they are constantly occupying wild carnivore areas, and determine the distribution of Leopardus guttulus in a way that we can monitor its population and evaluate the superposition of occupation between wild cats and domestic dogs.

Project document