2,980Grants to


Northern muriqui (Brachyteles hypoxanthus)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 222529189

Promoting conservation of northern muriqui using drones and thermal cameras in Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 222529189) - Northern muriqui - Awarded $6,000 on May 26, 2022

The goal of this project is to detect northern muriqui individuals in small and isolated forest fragments surrounding the Caparaó National Park, using drones and thermal cameras, to drive management and conservation strategies. Recent studies on northern muriqui at the CNP have pointed out two female muriquis isolated in the neighbouring of the park (one already managed in partnership with the MIB NGO), and two other muriqui individuals (one female, one male) have died during attempts of moving between forest patches. Along with these activities, this project aims to evaluate the extension of the area used by northern muriqui groups and other primate species, identify potential routes for dispersion of female muriquis, and determine potential areas for restoration inside the park.

Project 222529189 location - Brazil, South America