2,980Grants to


Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 220529591

Breaching the barrier of Pangolin conservation through research, education and community conservation programs in central Nepal

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 220529591) - Chinese pangolin - Awarded $4,950 on November 01, 2022

We have received permission from the Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation for the study on this species. Also we have received the ethical approval for the community interview from the Institutional review committe from Dean office of the Institute of Science and Techmology located in one of the cell of the Department of Microbiology, Tribhuwan University. 

We have also started reconnaince field survey just to locate the pangolin burrows for the placement of Thermochron Dataloggers in and outside of the pangolin's burrow to assess the temperature fluctuations and behaviour pattern of pangolins in the study areas.


Meanwhile we have also started visiting local schools and teaching school kids and teachers about the species, its local, regional and global importance, and conservation threats and finally closing thge session list of activities that the students can carry on as take away conservation messages. We are very delighted that the teachers and students are very keen and we have been very well receipt by  them.  


Project document