2,980Grants to


Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 222530616

Using Community Based Social Marketing (CBSM) to reduce pangolin poaching activity in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 222530616) - Sunda Pangolin - Awarded $9,000 on February 03, 2023

Led by six Fellows of the Emerging Wildlife Conservation Leaders (EWCL) program, this project aims to contribute to saving the Critically Endangered Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, by supporting the ongoing efforts of Planet Indonesia, a non-profit organization with a mission to conserve at-risk ecosystems through community-led governance - putting communities back behind the wheel in determining their social-ecological future and driving conservation. The EWCL program is an initiative that brings together leaders in the wildlife conservation field from around the world for intensive training in program development and skills, as well as the implementation of a global wildlife conservation campaign. One of the main focuses of this work is to support the educational components of Planet Indonesia’s SMART Patrols (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) program with a goal of linking student learning with pangolins. Informed by a multi-community survey focused on understanding the perspectives and values related to this species, we are developing a toolkit with educational materials and messaging that will foster long-term social commitments in the community to protect pangolins within the Gunung Naning Protected Forest. Additionally, a comprehensive literature review of the current status of pangolin conservation and threats in Indonesia, as well as a review of community-level interventions related to poaching mitigation globally has been completed and will be published as a public resource in partnership with Planet Indonesia and potentially other organizations working to conserve pangolins worldwide. 


For more information on the project visit https://wildlifeleaders.org/projects/class-projects/pangolin-illegal-wildlife-trade


Project documents