2,894Grants to


Ashy Red Colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 232531209

Film Production for Grass-Roots Replication of Successful Community Conservation of the Threatened Primates of Kibale National Park

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 232531209) - Ashy Red Colobus - Awarded $15,000 on June 30, 2023

NNF’s primary objective in Uganda and Vietnam has been to address the fuel-wood crisis impacting humans and wildlife. Both programs have shown great success. This request supports a partnership with Lucy Noland, award-winning broadcaster, to produce two short films about the work. The films will enhance knowledge sharing and facilitate replication of NNF’s most successful strategies. Screenings at relevant conferences will encourage greater collaboration in the conservation community and support more African-led programming. NNF’s methods could be adopted (and adapted) by a wider audience, strengthening existing programs working to conserve endangered species and wild places


Short Edit: https://youtu.be/VcZCQO6l6cY?si=rTpdDfqVq2097U5U


Full Film: https://youtu.be/IVUZYi9V3Ds?si=Ur6_vmAxMKjGwc2M


How to make an efficient stove: https://youtu.be/Ngju_d-Emow?si=VednCCkLOaCcNfbo

Project 232531209 location - Uganda, Africa