2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 172515994

Managing and Monitoring Artificial Nest Boxes and Natural Nests for Endangered Parrots in Colombia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 172515994) - Yellow-eared Parrot - Awarded $8,900 on December 01, 2017

This project aims to strengthen the program for the conservation of threatened parrots, through three main objectives: First, our nest box program depends on staff that are trained in safe climbing methods for trees and palms. Train a minimum of two staff members at each of six reserves and to provide climbing equipment for two climbers at each reserve. This ensures that we have the capacity to manage our nest monitoring program. Biologists at The Peregrine Fund, a United States 501(c)3 non-profit conservation organization, have offered to provide training in tree climbing for free. Second, we will install new nest boxes and replace old and damaged ones. We plan to install a minimum of 10 boxes at each of the six reserves listed in section 5.3. This number will increase the number of boxes we manage by 40%, and we hope to increase nest box usage by wild parrots by 30%. Third, monitor parrot use of our boxes and natural nests. We track how many boxes are in use, how many young are produced, and what proportion of boxes and nest are used or unused. We also conduct regular surveys of the parrots.

Project 172515994 location - Colombia, South America