2,894Grants to


Yellow-handed Mitered Langur (Presbytis Melalophos)

Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 240534111

Community-Led Conservation for the Endangered Yellow-handed Mitered Langur in West Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 240534111) - Yellow-handed Mitered Langur - Awarded $5,000 on May 22, 2024

The Yellow-Handed Mitered Langur (Presbytis melalophos) is an endangered primate species endemic to the forests of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Habitat destruction due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and illegal hunting has significantly reduced their population, prompting urgent conservation measures. This case study explores a community-led conservation initiative aimed at safeguarding the Yellow-Handed Mitered Langur, highlighting the pivotal role of local communities in biodiversity preservation. By integrating traditional knowledge with scientific research, this initiative aims to create sustainable practices that benefit both the langurs and the communities dependent on the forest ecosystem.

The initiative, spearheaded by local community members who have previously researched this species, highlights the unique color dimorphism of the Yellow-Handed Mitered Langur. Through field monitoring activities, distribution of posters and discussions, community members are educated about the ecological importance of the langur and the threats it faces. This involvement fosters a sense of stewardship over their natural resources and empowers residents to become advocates for conservation, ensuring the long-term viability of the langur population.

The community-led initiative focusing on the Yellow-Handed Mitered Langur has produced significant outcomes, including heightened awareness of the species’ unique color dimorphism and its ecological importance among local residents. Field monitoring activities have strengthened community bonds and fostered a sense of stewardship, leading to the formation of local conservation groups dedicated to protecting the langur’s habitat. Residents feel empowered to advocate for conservation measures, resulting in sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and local livelihoods. Preliminary data indicate increased sightings of the langur and improved forest conditions in actively engaged areas, demonstrating the initiative's effectiveness as a model for integrating scientific research with community involvement in conservation efforts.


1. Research and Monitoring: Conduct comprehensive research on the Yellow-handed Mitered Langur Distribution, population, and habitat dynamics. Implement continuous monitoring to inform conservation strategies. 2. Habitat Preservation: Develop and implement habitat conservation initiatives, including the identification and protection of critical areas for the langur within West Sumatra Province. 3. Community Engagement: Empower local communities through education, awareness programs, and capacity-building. Foster a sense of ownership and involvement in langur conservation efforts. 4. Stakeholder Collaboration: Facilitate collaboration with local stakeholders, including governmental bodies, NGOs, and local communities. Establish partnerships for collective and sustainable conservation actions.

Project 240534111 location - Indonesia, Asia