28-04-2019 - Rhododendron retrorsipilum
Conserving the poorly known endemic rhododendrons of Papua New Guinea
View Rhododendron retrorsipilum project
Small Grant Login
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 124 grants constituting a total donation of $1,424,577 for species conservation projects based in Oceania.
Conserving the poorly known endemic rhododendrons of Papua New Guinea
View Rhododendron retrorsipilum project
Save the habitat of Tahiti Monarch from the invasive Miconia calvescens
View Tahiti Monarch project
Uncovering the movements and habitat use of the genetically unique and critically endangered Plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus)
View Plains-wanderer project
Integrative conservation of the Whenua Hou Diving Petrel: Rescuing one of New Zealand’s rarest seabirds from extinction
View Whenua Hou Diving Petrel project
Assessing the conservation status of the most threatened fungi in New Zealand and Australia. An Australasian Fungal Red Listing Workshop will be held in Melbourne, Australia, on 22-26 July 2019. Invitations have been extended to international and Australasian experts, linking to the Global Red List Initiative led by Dahlberg, Krikorev,and Mueller.
View Tea-tree Fingers project
The impact of disturbed habitat on Archey’s frog (Leioplelma archeyi) microhabitat use
View Archey's Frog project
What drives persisting patches? Understanding why Critically Endangered frogs survive or perish on a tiny scale.
View White-bellied Frog project
The pig-nosed turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) is frequently harvested by subsistence communities and trafficked through Asia. This research project is developing genetic wildlife forensic techniques to help combat the illegal trade and providing sustainability and environmental education to remote communities in New Guinea that harvest the turtles.
View Pig-nosed turtle project
Ecology and disease surveillance in frogs of Papua New Guinea
View Tree frogs project
Helping the Tahiti sandalwood tree (Santalum insulare) to save the Tahiti Monarch (Pomarea nigra)
View Tahiti Monarch project