19-04-2020 - Cika mountain grasshopper
Strategic conservation issue for the Albanian endemic species: Cika mountain grasshopper (Peripodisma ceraunii)
View Cika mountain grasshopper project
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The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 269 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $2,013,107.
Strategic conservation issue for the Albanian endemic species: Cika mountain grasshopper (Peripodisma ceraunii)
View Cika mountain grasshopper project
Red list assessment of endemic grasshoppers of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India.
View Neorthacris acuticeps acuticeps project
Rescuing Microcondylaea bonellii: a testimonial for non-iconic neglected species.
View Microcondylaea bonellii project
Conservation of Austropotamobius bihariensis, a novel endemic species discovered in North Western Romania
View Idle crayfish project
The use of conservation detection dogs to survey the critical endangered greater Capricorn beetle. There is only one remaining Swedish population of the species. To save the species a reintroduction programme was developed. Monitoring of the reintroduction to assess the success is crucial in the future management of the species in Sweden. This project will develop an effective monitoring method for the greater Capricorn beetle.
View Greater Capricorn beetle project
Our project targeted one of the most endangered snail species in Mauritius, the Pachystyla bicolor. From four individuals, we captive bred more than 500 individuals to create a captive colony and individuals for release. We designed and built two predator proof fences to exclude all the snails' predators in their natural environment and released 50 adults in each enclosure, which are surviving, growing and breeding.
View Pachystyla bicolor project
Conservation of the threatened Obô giant land Snail Archachatina bicarinata and of the terrestrial malacological fauna of São Tomé Island, Central Africa
View Obô Land Snail project
View Çalbalı Bush-cricket project
Securing the Future of Barber's Cape Flats Ranger and the False Bay Unique Ranger - A Butterfly Conservation Project.
View Barber's Cape Flats Ranger project
Conservation of the endangered mussel Unio crassus in the Southern Bug River (Ukraine), which is under threat of hydrotechnical construction
View Thick shelled river mussel project