2,980Grants to


The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has awarded 1030 grants for this species type, constituting a total donation of $10,070,905.

Mammal Conservation Case Studies

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925391) - Hirola Antelope - Awarded $25,000 on July 01, 2009
01-07-2009 - Hirola Antelope

Since 2009, we have been investigating the ecological relations between the globally-endangered hirola antelope (Beatragus hunteri), Somali pastoralists, and their livestock in Ijara and Fafi Districts, Kenya. Unlike many globally-endangered species, the range of hirola occurs entirely outside of formally-protected areas; thus, their fate hinges on our ability to educate and instill tolerance in Somali pastoralists whose livestock co-occur and ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925392) - Hirola Antelope - Awarded $23,200 on July 01, 2009
01-07-2009 - Hirola Antelope

The Hirola is Africa’s most endangered antelope occurring predominantly in north-eastern Kenya (around 152 animals remaining), particularly within the 19,000 hectare Ishaqbini Hirola Community Conservancy. By developing and supporting community conservation initiatives such as protecting and monitoring Hirola, as well as community-led grazing management, the Hirola could be prevented from being the first genus to go extinct in modern ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925399) - Black Rhinoceros - Awarded $14,880 on July 01, 2009
01-07-2009 - Black Rhinoceros

This project aimed to provide security and protection to the critically endangered black rhinos in Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, a 62,000 acre wildlife reserve in northern Kenya. With 65 and 46 animals, Lewa holds over 10% and 12% of black and white rhinos in Kenya respectively. Provision of maximum security and protection to rhinos, through round the clock surveillance is critical to ensure their continued survival.

View Black Rhinoceros project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925400) - Blue Whale - Awarded $25,000 on July 01, 2009
01-07-2009 - Blue Whale

The Alfaguara (blue whale) Project has contributed important scientific information on the species, making it one of the best known populations of blue whales in southern hemisphere. The project is a successful replicable integral model which innovative approach for nature conservation is increasing local capacities and involving coastal communities in the conservation process, while promoting sustainable development of high quality ecotourism.

View Blue Whale project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925378) - Black-faced Lion Tamarin - Awarded $24,983 on June 29, 2009
29-06-2009 - Black-faced Lion Tamarin

This project was a relevant part on the effort of the “Black-faced Lion Tamarin Conservation Program” to change the species critically endangered status through integrating Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development. Outcomes from this project are going to be relevant to improve management design and conservation strategies to the tamarins’ and its habitat.

View Black-faced Lion Tamarin project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905374) - Giraffe - Awarded $4,950 on June 28, 2009
28-06-2009 - Giraffe

Research on the giraffe populations of northern and central Botswana.

View Giraffe project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925273) - Grevy's Zebra - Awarded $18,970 on June 24, 2009
24-06-2009 - Grevy's Zebra

The Grevy’s Zebra Trust conserves Grevy’s zebra, one of Africa's most endangered large mammals, in the community rangelands of northern Kenya. It secures Grevy’s zebra populations from illegal killing and persecution through its Grevy’s Zebra Ambassador Programme in collaboration with local Samburu and Turkana communities. Community Ambassadors protect and monitor Grevy's zebra and spread the message of conservation to ...

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Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0925272) - Chimpanzee - Awarded $20,900 on June 18, 2009
18-06-2009 - Chimpanzee

The Budongo Conservation Field Station, founded in 1990, works to conserve the Budongo Forest in western Uganda and its wildlife, notably around 650 chimpanzees. We work with one chimpanzee community in particular, the Sonso community, living in the middle of the forest where our camp is located. We also conserve other forest species, and have ongoing education and community outreach programmes.

View Chimpanzee project

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 0905336) - Brown-headed Spider Monkey - Awarded $5,000 on June 18, 2009
18-06-2009 - Brown-headed Spider Monkey

The Natural Park Munchique, one of the government protected areas in the Tropical Andes, is threatened by the conversion of forests into crops and hunting pressure. The present´s work purpose is to conduct a participative monitoring of large mammals with human communities, which collects information about the actual state of health of the ecosystems, determine abundance indexes, habitat uses, and the effect of human activities.

View Brown-headed Spider Monkey project