2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 182518635

Participative Strategies for the Study and Conservation of Cebus malitiosus (endemic, EN) in the Sierra Nevada (Santa Marta), Colombia.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 182518635) - Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin - Awarded $12,000 on February 22, 2025

Project activities include:

Conducting community-based monitoring on Cebus malitiosus groups and other local primate species in terms of presence, home range and local distribution. To: (1) involve community members in data collection and primate monitoring, (2) build community-based knowledge on C. malitiosus and other local primate species through data from camera-traps, surveys, interviews and sightings from community members, (3) collect data on crop-raiding events by C. malitiosus groups.

Performing molecular analyses on DNA samples from C. malitiosus. To collect data and to increase knowledge on C. malitiosus in terms of molecular biology, phylogenetic relationships and phylogeography.

Conducting education workshops on local primates and their habitat (with C. malitiosus as flagship species), on primate conservation, on the risks of human-primate interactions, and on crop-raiding prevention. To: (1) increase knowledge and awareness on local biodiversity, with emphasis on the role and importance of primates in local forest ecosystems, (2) increase awareness on direct and indirect threats to local primate populations, (3) increase awareness on the risks of human- primate interactions and on methods to prevent crop-raiding by C. malitiosus groups, (5) increase awareness on the role of the community in the conservation of local biodiversity, (6) empower and encourage community members to get involved in efforts to protect and conserve populations of C. malitiosus and local forest ecosystems.

Assessing and evaluating the PSMPs and livelihoods of local communities. To: (1) make comprehensive socio-environmental and socio-economic assessments of local PSMPs and livelihoods; (2) estimate the impact of local PSMPs and livelihoods on local primate populations and local forest ecosystems (habitat degradation and fragmentation, human-animal conflict); (3) provide the basis for the formulation of community-based sustainable and biodiversity friendly PSMPs and alternative livelihoods.

Conducting a training workshop on sustainable and biodiversity-friendly PSMPs and alternative livelihoods for stakeholders, community representatives and community members. To: (1) increase knowledge and understanding on local PSMPs and livelihoods, and on sustainable and biodiversity-friendly alternatives; (2) increase the number of stakeholders and community members engaged in biodiversity conservation-related activities.

Guiding and facilitating the adoption and implementation of sustainable and biodiversity-friendly PSMPs and alternative livelihoods through community-based projects. To: (1) encourage and support improved alternative livelihoods and sustainable food production systems; (2) to build knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt sustainable PSMPs and alternative livelihoods; (3) to engage participants in the reduction and replacement of unsustainable land-use practices or wildlife threatening activities (land degradation, forest fragmentation, controlled land-burning) and/or human-wildlife conflict (crop raiding).

Establishing cooperation and collaboration agreements with and between communities and environmental authorities for the mitigation and prevention of direct threats to primate populations and local forest ecosystems. To: (1) introduce community members to the project; (2) promote and facilitate the joint action of the community and environmental authorities towards conservation and sustainable development goals; (3) work collaboratively towards community-based solutions to reduce threats to local biodiversity, with emphasis on C. malitiosus and other primate species.

Project 182518635 location - Colombia, South America