Species name | Continent | Country | IUCN | Funding | Date | |
Giraffe | Africa | Botswana | LC | $4,950 | 28-06-2009 | |
Uluguru Bush-shrike | Africa | Tanzania | CR | $5,000 | 28-06-2009 | |
Lowland Tapir, Brazilian Tapir, South American Tapir Portuguese: Anta | South America | Brazil | VU | $25,000 | 28-06-2009 | |
Ridgway`s Hawk | North America | Dominican Republic | CR | $25,000 | 24-06-2009 | |
Grevy's Zebra | Africa | Kenya | EN | $18,970 | 24-06-2009 | |
Stresemann's Bristlefront | South America | Brazil | CR | $25,000 | 18-06-2009 | |
Houston Toad | North America | United States | CR | $19,000 | 18-06-2009 | |
Chimpanzee | Africa | Uganda | EN | $20,900 | 18-06-2009 | |
Siamese Crocodile | Asia | Indonesia | CR | $19,500 | 18-06-2009 | |
Long Island Bay Rush | North America | Bahamas | NT | $24,850 | 18-06-2009 |
Species type key:
special |
mammal |
bird |
plant |
reptile |
amphibian |
fish |
fungi |
invertebrate |
special |
mammal |
bird |
plant |
reptile |
amphibian |
fish |
fungi |
invertebrate |
IUCN Red List classification key:
EX Extinct
EW Extinct in the Wild
CR Critically Endangered
EW Extinct in the Wild
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
NT Near Threatened
VU Vulnerable
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
DD Data Deficient
NE Not Evaluated
DD Data Deficient
NE Not Evaluated