2,980Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 240534932

Population and habitat assessments of endemic and endangered fish fresh water Glossamia timika in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province, Indonesia

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 240534932) - Timika Mouth Almighty - Awarded $5,000 on October 17, 2024

In accordance with the conservation management guidelines from IUCN, this species requires further study regarding its population and habitat. This conservation project aims to collect data on the population of Glossamia Timika through field surveys at several river locations in Mimika Regency. Before conducting population sampling, several survey stages will be carried out to ensure smooth data collection in the field. First, a desk survey will be conducted on the three rivers targeted for the research locations. The purpose of this desk survey is to update the latest information and create a detailed research plan location map (imagery map). The second stage is to conduct a pre-survey field visit and communicate with the local community to ensure access to the locations and involve some local residents as field guides. The next stage is to conduct a field survey using netting methods to obtain fish population data and habitat conditions. Finally, a report will be compiled, and a public presentation of the research results will be made.

Project 240534932 location - Indonesia, Asia