2,979Grants to


Mohamed bin Zayed Species project number 13057973

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation (Project No. 13057973) - Townsend's Shearwater - Awarded $2,500 on January 21, 2014

The Institute of Ecology, A. C. (INECOL) is a publicly funded federal institution affiliated to Mexico´s National Council of Science and Technology whose mandate is to carry out research of quality and to train professionals in the fields of ecology, biodiversity and systematics, conservation and management of natural resources. INECOL established the first Biosphere Reserves in Mexico and Latin America under UNESCO´s Man and Biosphere Program; INECOL serves as Mexico´s focal point. INECOL´ also hosts the Francisco Xavier Clavijero botanical garden with important collections of endangered plant species in Mexico. Méxicos Society of Botanical Gardens was born at INECOL. The first Environmental Impact Assessment in Mexico was that preparead by INECOL for the Nuclear Plant of Laguna Verde, since then INECOL has assisted the Federal Government in developing sound environmental policies. INECOL was established on 7 August 1975. The location of the proposed project is Isla Socorro, Revillagigedo Archipelago. While collaborating with the Mexican Navy to implement Bin Zayed Fund 13256063, their corp of engineers estimated the budget associated with changing all street lamps on the Naval Base to minimize light pollution affecting Townsend´s Shearwater. The primary objective is to implement this change to prevent further shearwater deaths.


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Project 13057973 location - Mexico, North America